
2016 - 2017

Second International Scientific Conference of Mathematics Held

Department of Mathematics, College of Education, University of Garmian held its second International Scientific Conference in the presence of Dr. Yousif Goran, Minister of Higher Education, Pr. Dr. Farouq Abdullah, President of University of Garmian, Chief of Garmian Administration, Dean of College of Education and a number of university lecturers and prominent intellectuals in the area.

The conference lasted for two days, 21 and 22 Aug 2016, Sunday and Monday at which a number of researchers inside and outside Kurdistan Region participated. At the opening ceremony on Aug 21, 10 A.M. Dr. Izzaldin Jumaa, Chief of the Conference Committee gave his speech in which he presented the conference agenda and stated that in total, 53 scientific researches were submitted, 21 of them were accepted which were prepared by 44 researchers. The Researchers were from 10 national universities and 4 international. He concluded by expressing the importance of holding such conferences and their remarkable role in boosting scientific quality of the University of Garmian.

Then during his speech, Prof. Dr. Farouq Abdullah welcomed the guests and said that although the academic year of (2015-2016) has been difficult due to financial and economic crisis, we managed to organize this conference for the second time in addition to holding a number of other workshops and seminars at the university. Furthermore, he declared that in the next cycle of academic year, University of Garmian has plans to open 3 new departments for morning classes and 12 departments for evening which will provide more opportunities for the high school graduates to carry on their studies at university. Also, the profits to-be-gained from parallel system of evening classes could be used to meet the university's needs.

Dr. Yousif Goran also esteemed the efforts for organizing such conferences and encouraged more academic activities.

Last speech was given by Prof. Dr. Kamal Shanazari from the University of Kurdistan – Sanandaj in which he expressed his gladness about the MOU between both universities and showed willingness to further collaborate on more academic activities with the University of Garmian.

Moreover, it's worth mentioning that the participant researchers were from various universities, inside and outside the country, such as the University of Kurdistan-Sanandaj, Islamic Azad University-Sanandaj Branch, Yaşar University, University of Baghdad, University of Al-Qadisiyah, University of Sulaimania, Salahaddin University, University of Duhok, Soran University and University of Garmian.

Please Visit here to show the Second International Conference of Mathematics Papers.